Tasting the leftover dreams

Have you ever dreamt someone else’ dreams? Not having someone in your dreams but to have his or her dreams. To think like the person, to desire what he desires, to dream what he dreams. I have done that and have been doing for past how many years I have no idea. Every night, tasting the leftover dreams of people, I have been surrounded with.

So many people and so many dreams. To be impressed with them and trying to become like them. To lose myself in this soul sucking dreamland. Why acceptance is important? Why my dreams should be like their dreams? Maybe because I see their dreams becoming a reality, a success and when I look at mine, I know they are just dreams not to be turned into reality. I know the moment they will come close to reality, everything else will be over in a puff of dust.

My being will be irrelevant. My flawless facade masking the personal despair will be over in no time. I will lose everything and anything in my life. But won’t that be beautiful? To start afresh, to be able to reborn as a person, to start with a virgin paper and writing whatever I can write on that paper. Whatever I have, it will be mine, not a pinch of colour from anyone else’s dream. A plain white dream every night and colouring that pink blue green; whatever I want.

To be able to taste a freshly cooked original dream every night and chasing that every night. Not to be tasting leftover dreams of people which you want to puke the moment you have the first sense of unoriginality of that dream…

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